Saturday, August 23, 2014

S is Five

S'ín turned five this week so we had a super sedate afternoon tea party befitting of the little lady herself. 

Summer Cuts

 The dressing up basket was heavily plundered

Puppy tattoos were administered

 Decoration of the cake



M sat down in the shade of a tree and said to the children come sit by me....

Storytime on the story chair, with the story apron

D tries her hand at story telling

D is going through a huge Harry Potter obsession right now. She's read a couple of the books, hasn't yet seen any of the movies but has Google image searched him. I was sitting at the breakfast table reading the Sunday newspapers last week and D disappeared with a magazine supplement which isn't unusual. When she returned though, unhappy with how Harry was parading himself, denying his past, dying his hair, wearing contact lenses and concealer, she had put the world to rights using her markers. His scar, black hair and glasses restored she returned the magazine to the pile of papers on the table without comment. How endearingly nuts is that?

So this happened. A photo opportunity I couldn't turn down. 

1 comment:

Redlad said...

Ah the aul goblet of fire there at the end-It's a portkey,where did it take ye?
Happy birthday to Sadhbh ;)