Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Beck Hansen's Record Club

The Record Club do Velvet Underground & Nico 'Sunday Morning'

"For those new to the Record Club, it is an informal meeting of various musicians to record an album in a day. An album is chosen to be reinterpreted and used as a framework. Nothing rehearsed or arranged ahead of time. A track is put up here once a week. As you will hear, some of the songs are rough renditions, often first takes documenting what happened over the course of a day. There is no intention to 'add to' the original work or attempt to recreate the power of the original recording. Only to play music and document what happens. And those who aren't familiar with the albums in question will hopefully look for the songs in their definitive versions."


Redlad said...

our little girl is shy, 8 days late & counting.....

Redlad said...

make that 13 :S

hollowsolid said...

takes after her daddy. keep us posted.

Redlad said...

Matilda Klara Curran born at 7.28pm 25th September. 3.9 kilos, convert for pounds coz I dunno, 52 cms, head 37cms. Labour was 10 hours long, she was brown when she arrived,turned blue then grey then pink before our eyes, I cut the umbilical cord (didn't think I'd have the nerve to be honest!). Dana was utterly amazing - I'll never look at any mother in the same way again what they do to bring us into the world. Amazing experience, it was just like on TV to be honest - if you know what I mean. We were so lucky it went so well.Three of us slept together our first night as a family, what more can I say....she kept us waiting, 15 days overdue and isn't life a miracle .

(during labour Dana spent an hour and a half in a bath with smelly oils and stuff, we listened to the soundtrack of Once :) she loved it )

Isn't life a miracle, I'm still in a daze, what have I to do next, oh yeah - food shopping!!

Take care & all the best to you & your 3 ladies :)


Redlad said...

To clarify: "just like TV" comment was a very inadequate way of saying it was close to what the ideal must be- the 2 of us together, me holding Dana while she worked outstandingly -seeing the head first and seeing Matilda emerge. Words fail me :)

hollowsolid said...

congratulations to all! well done to dana. thats truly magnificent news. matilda (ma~) is a great name aswell. you think the entry process is mind blowing (and it is)..... get used to regular punctures of the mind as you slowly get to know your baby, day by incredible day, smile by smile, smell by smell. things will be *completely* different and you're absolutely conscious of that fact for a while because you can't even consider ever going back to before you met your daughter. you will also spend most of your future weekends at ground level, on your knees, on your back, in whatever position you can most closely observe the miracle of nature (better than even a dolphin) that is your defenseless, dependent, wide eyed child. you guys have a lot to look forward to. enjoy every single second :))

hollowsolid said...

nice post (great song) to choose to herald the arrival by the way.

hollowsolid said...

...and this blog is being renamed to the sprog blog aswell.