Sunday, May 31, 2009

A God Named Jarlath (Aesop's Ocean Race)

What a wet month May was turning out to be

D decides to pull some strings to summon the sunny weather.....

God gets a text message from D : "pls fix de wthr kthxbye!"

God happened to be sitting at his weather machine taking requests at the very moment the text arrived.

God made it so. And before you know it.....

The Green Dragon is overheating in the Galway sun

Shadows plan sailing holidays without Cliff Richard.....

...and D is delighted. That's more like it. Hurrah for May!

But the days continue to get very very hot. It was like God had turned on the immersion before he went on holidays and forgotten to stick it on timer.....

D learns to be careful what you wish for.

I'm not coming out until it cools down a bit

OK - but only for pancakes

It keeps getting hotter....

Buzby fades, tropical animals appear, drawn by the heat

Everyone is perplexed by the symbolism

God switches off his phone

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