Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Sandwiches and Submarines

I spend a lot of my time wandering the streets with a camera and when I keep missing split second photos of amazing shots I resort to taking pictures of things that dont move, particularly words, printed or handwritten, and signs, homemade, glossy advertising or plain functional. Individually they are crap photos, there's no two ways about it - but collected here together today they stand as a powerful and arresting visual statement of the ends which humans, desperate to communicate, will resort to. Urban cave drawings. The Acoustic Internet. Dysfunctional communication for people on the move. Warnings against innate stupidity. Missing Person posters for murdered hookers. Handmade birthday morning greetings. Jarring half english signs in Chinatown. Vulgar political campaign posters. Advice for life. Stick drawings of furniture for sale. Scrawled calls to arms. Requests for psychological evaluation written on a park bench. Encouragements to shit elsewhere. Sensationalist bizarre headlines from Asian tabloids. Latin stained glass motivational techniques. Shop fronts in tasty fonts. Parking for silhouettes. Avian Real Estate. Magic Markers for Madmen. Sandwiches and Submarines.

For Debs and GAA Dinner Dances and the like.

Must get me some of that Hairstyling Insurance

Semper Eadem - "Ever Constant"

Commercial Drive

Watch Out For Invisible Children

Special Introductory Offer

Lethal Injections


Anonymous said...

Lou here.

I can't believe Lenny didn't know about the Liver and Onions deal!

hollowsolid said...

hey louise. i'm pretty sure he saw the "i'm only here for the beer and boobs" one though! has he made any sudden movements towards an airport recently?