Thursday, August 24, 2006


This is just a quick post to let y'all know we're heading to the Rockies on an extended camping trip for the next couple of weeks. We bought M a lovely new pair of hiking boots and went hiking up the Capilano River on the weekend to prepare our gluteus maximus and gluteus medius for the more challenging hikes ahead. There must be something wrong with them because we both came back bow-legged. We're hiring the biggest gas guzzling nature annihilating beast of a machine for our most ambitious roadtrip yet so we can see nature right and all that but also so we can fit our bikes in the back. We're going to hit Kelowna, Golden, Glacier Park, Yoho National Park, Jasper, Lake Louise, The Icefields Parkway, Banff, and Mount Robson National Park. So expect loads of photos of mountains and nature and wooly headed unhappy campers. We could really do without an encounter like this one. I'm planning on wearing my Judo suit for the entire trip just in case. In the meantime here's some more photos which I uploaded to Flickr to keep you entertained. There's some overlap with this here blog but mostly they're some of our favourite older photos - well, favourite in focus photos maybe. As usual feel free to comment, take the piss etc - I'm looking at you Anonymous Dave. Enjoy and we'll see you in September.


Anonymous said...


Ze Görman here....I neeeeed a holiday. Do you still have your blow-up bed? I am gonna take a seaplane and come and visit you. Just for the weekend. You there? CDs worked out lovely. We still owe you some acoustic delights.



hollowsolid said...

sittin here waiting for my canera to charge. lindamak - check this out -
recognise the calling all cars song? top notch. glad your cds work in your european region microwave. i'm so waiting for some acoustic treasures from the suicide machine. ummm about the seaplane thing....

Anonymous said...

ahhh- that's so sweet.
thanks you guys.
we're enjoying not being newly weds anymore. going for a fancy, overpriced dinner and maybe some kir royales if you're around...