Friday, June 30, 2006

The Back Of A Vancouver Milk Carton

Has anyone seen any or all of the following people missing since the morning of the expiry of their Visas?

Lenny has extended The Legend franchise to Toronto

Louise and Stephen - last seen in Sugar Daddy's

Dave and Grainne

Ciaran, Ciara, Lori and Sharon

Mundy meets The Terminator. Terry Fox who's been missing for a while now.


Anonymous said...

Greetings Shane and mauve, dave here. Im currently on the dole, and been going on 3 day benders, since i came home, applied for jobs, no word yet. Grainne in same boat, (the dole that is) sharon working in bank of ireland, kiran working, ciara????? I see things are all well in vancover, its hot as a camels arse here at the moment in Dublin, prob going to electric picnic. Thats it really, would have more to say, but currently suffering from temporary blindness after seeing that pink bicycle and pink shirt...the horror, the horror! Take it easy.

hollowsolid said...

good man dave. at the moment vancouver is actually as hot as camel's arse the morning after a curry. 34 degrees today downtown. its been quiet enough here for gigs over the past while. wolf parade are playing in august so we cant wait for that. sorry about your blindness. please don't sue me. i was wearing that pink tshrit for charity :) say hello to grainne aswell. i must mail you on a couple of those photos of the two of you. soon. good luck with the job hunting. you know theres always writing work on if you need the experience. and its free!

hollowsolid said...

Iiiii'm comin up so you better get this party started...... I posed in pink for charity. Several small children around Vancouver have shoes on their feet (indeed one even has feet) as a direct result of my selfless public humiliation. Shame on you.

Anonymous said...

Dave any chance was it a gay pride charity event that you wore that dreaded pink shirt. Shane you have being spending far too much time in davie street. Its making you colour blind. Next thing youll be commenting how that scissor sisters album is actually "very good" and soft cell are "band of the eighties".