A non post really, a timestamp with carelessly selected decorations to hang off the hooks.
One of the reasons I'm not posting so much is that my camera is in uberfritz, kaka bang-bang. The dreaded Er99 Shooting Is Not Possible message. Turning out some pretty interesting shots though.

Whats up Chupa Chup!? Whoa Whoa Whoa :)
D recently had a horrific 7 day bug which completely floored her and from which she's still recovering. And for a developmental check-in with our youngest daughter, S is waving HI! (but oddly not bye bye) , singing along to the raucous in-car family favourites, and while not crawling yet, is perfecting her deterministic directional "rolling" which ain't pretty but is ruthlessly effective. Eventually.

Looking forward to our bank holiday and the family friendly camping trip up at the cabin next weekend. Hope we get the weather and everyone can make it. Started studying again so my minimal reading time will most likely get absorbed by the pages of doorstop textbooks, deadlines, spreadsheets and regular assignments. Here's what I read recently while I had the chance.
Didn't think much of Kavalier and Clay but I'm thinking I'll re-read it on the basis of this. Great writing in nice edible chunks suits me at the moment. And this is a collection of, at times, truly illuminating and always entertaining observations expertly delivered on the male condition.
A novel comprised of multiple short stories, unrelated except for the presence, real or implicit of Olive. Nice.
Dark, precise, random subject matter, leaves you with a bizarre taste in your mouth.
And now for a bedsit-experimentalist trip down Sallymount Avenue....I bought these two albums together when they came out (in 1996 according to the release dates). I was listening to one of the two recently and kept getting images of the other, both visual and aural. It still amazes me how attentive to and retentive of detail my brain is when it comes to anything related to music while with everything else I'm like a slow learner goldfish. Anyway - 2 great albums, both completely instrumental, different worlds in terms of mood and atmosphere, but with complimentary album covers of similar of baby blue hue, which is probably why they were bought together in the one bout of instant consumer gratification in the one physical record store. I need to go real world record shopping more. Expect a representin' on the Christmas Countdown. Being a parent is nothing like Music For Babies lead me to expect.

We've also this week re-entered the world of feature film viewing, joined a video store and are in the process of playing catchup for the past 7 years of zero discerning visual stimulation..........
One of our very first dates was going to see Three Colors: Red in the old Lighthouse cinema on Abbey Street. And while the Pat Spillane Tan of the boyo above may also provide a literal parallel (more closely to Three Colors: White maybe), youtube was always going to be a pale substitute for quality feature films.
One of the reasons I'm not posting so much is that my camera is in uberfritz, kaka bang-bang. The dreaded Er99 Shooting Is Not Possible message. Turning out some pretty interesting shots though.
M is enjoying the final few weeks as a stay at home mother and the girls' diaries are chock a bloc full of back garden activities....
D recently had a horrific 7 day bug which completely floored her and from which she's still recovering. And for a developmental check-in with our youngest daughter, S is waving HI! (but oddly not bye bye) , singing along to the raucous in-car family favourites, and while not crawling yet, is perfecting her deterministic directional "rolling" which ain't pretty but is ruthlessly effective. Eventually.
Looking forward to our bank holiday and the family friendly camping trip up at the cabin next weekend. Hope we get the weather and everyone can make it. Started studying again so my minimal reading time will most likely get absorbed by the pages of doorstop textbooks, deadlines, spreadsheets and regular assignments. Here's what I read recently while I had the chance.

And now for a bedsit-experimentalist trip down Sallymount Avenue....I bought these two albums together when they came out (in 1996 according to the release dates). I was listening to one of the two recently and kept getting images of the other, both visual and aural. It still amazes me how attentive to and retentive of detail my brain is when it comes to anything related to music while with everything else I'm like a slow learner goldfish. Anyway - 2 great albums, both completely instrumental, different worlds in terms of mood and atmosphere, but with complimentary album covers of similar of baby blue hue, which is probably why they were bought together in the one bout of instant consumer gratification in the one physical record store. I need to go real world record shopping more. Expect a representin' on the Christmas Countdown. Being a parent is nothing like Music For Babies lead me to expect.

We've also this week re-entered the world of feature film viewing, joined a video store and are in the process of playing catchup for the past 7 years of zero discerning visual stimulation..........
One of our very first dates was going to see Three Colors: Red in the old Lighthouse cinema on Abbey Street. And while the Pat Spillane Tan of the boyo above may also provide a literal parallel (more closely to Three Colors: White maybe), youtube was always going to be a pale substitute for quality feature films.